When tomatoes are in season it’s nice to make a pizza sauce with good, ripe freshly picked ones. There’s maybe less of the rich cooked tomato flavour in the sauce, but more fresh, zingy flavour. I like to use fresh herbs in fresh tomato sauce – thyme in particular.
Bring a large pot of water to the boil. Drop in a few tomatoes at a time and cook until the skins start to crack, or feel loose when prodded with a spatula. Remove the tomatoes to a strainer and repeat until all tomatoes are cooked.

I use a tomato mill as detailed here to remove the seeds and skins. A mouli/food mill can also be used. If none of these tools are available just peel the skins off by hand and mash or blend the tomatoes. The sauce at this point tastes amazing (if you made lots, try splashing a little onto some spaghetti for a snack!) but it might be too runny to use for pizza sauce. It can be thickened either by simmering over medium heat until thick or just straining the pulp through a sieve, which works surprisingly well! If you sieve the pulp, save the runny juice for soups or something.

Add fresh herbs and a little salt to taste before using on pizza. This sauce can also be preserved in jars or bottles.
THANKS!!! I really appreciate people who give recipes from scratch.Homegrowing vegetables and fruit is one of my hobbies,along with canning of course.Old fashioned person I guess.